Ecovadis rating: Metarom strikes Gold!
- Soziale Verantwortung
For a number of years, Metarom has been committed in terms of CSR in order to improve performance and identify axes of progress, and in 2018, we decided to work alongside a number of entities among which Ecovadis.
The Ecovadis platform, which was founded in 2007, has become a global standard in CSR rating. It has become “the largest and most trusted rating entity for corporate sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility” with over 90,000 organizations assessed in 4 main areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. Whatever the size and sector of a company, the Ecovadis rating is the universal CSR rating solution.
While our rating had remained “Silver” since 2018, it was continuously evolving. Constant progress was the result of the effective and efficient implementation of the values of the Metarom Group Charter drafted in 2016, and the group’s determination to progress on every axis to reach Gold. This has now been achieved, with a rating of 69/100

To succeed in this challenge, we implemented new actions in early 2021 and improved performance on those already in place in the 4 main areas:
- Commissioning of 5 charging stations for electric vehicles
- Installation of LED lighting
- Contract formalization for waste management. Signing of a partnership with a local methanization chain for organic waste and reusing/upcycling and recycling of packagings.
- Carbon compensation
- Identification of environmental monitoring indicators to continue improving our environmental footprint
Labor & human rights
- Signing of the IFRA-IOFI Charter, which aims at improving sustainability in the flavor and fragrance sectors
- Signing of the UN Charter, the largest global initiative in terms of social responsibility
- Various actions aimed at improving working conditions
- Frequent communication with employees and set up of monitoring indicators for Quality of Working Life (QWL)
- Training of Purchasing and Sales employees in business ethics
- Tightening of personal data security
Sustainable procurement
- Integration of CSR indicators in the assessment of our suppliers
What Ecovadis rating to expect in 2023?
This new accolade has strengthened our will to continue with our CSR commitments over the years to come. That is why we have already set our objectives for 2023:
- Reducing our energy consumption
- Using 100% green electricity
- Improving waste management and recycling
- Collaborating with suppliers sharing our CSR values
We are aware of the efforts needed and are determined to continue with our commitments to maintain the same level of recognition, as we are convinced the approach is beneficial to our company and our clients.