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Flavor of the moment: ginger

Flavor of the moment: ginger

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The origin of ginger

Ginger is native to Southeast Asia. Grown in regions with warm, humid climates, this root is an essential component of traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, renowned for centuries for its curative virtues. Its use in Asian cuisine is widespread, not only for its distinctive taste, but also for its many health benefits.

It spread around the world thanks to the sea and land trade routes that linked Asia to Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Today, the root is cultivated in countries such as India, China, Indonesia, Nepal, Nigeria and Thailand.

Ginger requires specific climatic conditions for its growth, preferring temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius and well-drained soils rich in organic matter. Ginger rhizomes1 are generally harvested by hand, around 8-10 months after planting.

1Ginger rhizome: the underground stem of the ginger plant, known for its atypical, irregular shape


What are the benefits of ginger?

This spice isn't just a spice to brighten up dishes, it's also known as the spice of a thousand benefits:

Digestion: It is commonly used to relieve nausea, bloating and other digestive disorders.

Antimicrobial properties: It has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections.

Cardiovascular health: Ginger can help lower blood pressure and improve circulation.

Anti-inflammatory: Ginger's active ingredients, such as gingerols, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and pain.

Antioxidants: Rich in antioxidants, ginger helps protect cells against oxidative damage. It therefore helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

What product contain this flavor?

Ginger's strong, spicy flavour can be found in many foods and beverages, including:

Cookies & desserts:

Ginger cookies and desserts are popular; it goes very well with sugar. It can be found in gingerbread, for example.


It's a common ingredient in many drinks, appearing in teas, lemonades, beers and cocktails, thanks to its unique taste that blends well with fruit.

Dairy products:

Ginger is often added to yogurts and ice creams to give them a spicy, exotic flavor.

It can be combined with a variety of other foods to create interesting combinations:

icone cannelle
pictogramme d'une barre de chocolat
icone de miel




Some products launched with this flavor

boissons au gingembre
pâtes de fruits au gingembre
chocolat au gingembre
  • Company: Buderim Foods
  • Brand: Buderim Ginger
  • Market: United Kingdom
  • Launch: July 2024
  • Company: Buderim Foods
  • Brand: Buderim Ginger
  • Market: United Kingdom
  • Launch: July 2024
  • Company: Kaoka
  • Brand: Kaoka
  • Market: France
  • Launch: July 2024
yaourt au gingembre
glace citron gingembre
biscuit gingembre
  • Company: Ravintoraisio
  • Brand: Benecol
  • Market: Finland
  • Launch: September 2024
  • Company: Lidl
  • Brand: Vitasia Thai Style
  • Market: Latvia
  • Launch: August 2024
  • Company: Aldi
  • Brand: Brochan
  • Market: United Kingdom
  • Launch: Juillet 2024

Source: Mintel GNPD

Are you planning to flavor your drink, cookie or dairy product with ginger?

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