How do you improve the Nutri-Score of your products?
- Flavors
In France, consumers pay more and more attention to their health and are now interested in the Nutri-Score of the products they consume. In fact, a buyer generally consults this score, as well as the nutritional components of a product, before making a decision to buy. This is why finding solutions to manage the Nutri-Score has become a real challenge for companies in the food industry. Metarom, creator of natural flavoring solutions, explains how to improve the nutritional quality of your products.
What is the Nutri-Score ? How does it work?
The Nutri-Score is a scale indicating the nutritional quality of a product, presented in the form of a logo with a color code and a scale ranging from A to E. The letter A represents the best Nutri-Score. This grading system has been adopted in several countries in Europe including France. Nevertheless, it is currently not mandatory to list it on the labeling of food products.
The Nutri-Score is calculated by subtracting the negative nutritional components (salt, sugars, saturated fats, energy) from the positive ones (proteins, fibers, fruits and vegetables), present in the food. It should be noted that if the negative nutritional intakes amount to more than 11 points, the points corresponding to the proteins cannot be counted. This is particularly the case for processed foods such as cheese, oil and certain beverages.
To respond to these new trends in nutrition, manufacturers are setting themselves a challenge: to find solutions to improve the nutritional quality of processed products, without changing their flavor.
How do you obtain a better Nutri-Score for your products?
Working on its score also allows manufacturers to potentially boost their turnover. In fact, studies show that consumers tend rather to choose a product with a Nutri-Score A or B in most food categories.
Today, there are several ways to improve the nutritional score of a food product. The first possibility is to modify the recipes to reduce their fatty nutrient content (lower the sugar level, the amount of butter or other fats, etc.) without actually changing the list of ingredients. This modification can however lead to a change in terms of taste, which consumers may not like.
The second way to improve a Nutri-Score for a food product is to add fiber and protein to its manufacturing process. However, this technique has two main drawbacks:
- It generates an increase in production costs because the company often has to buy additional raw materials
- Since food products are classified in different classes, the addition of inulin present in certain fibers can lead to a change in classification. The product is then considered to belong to the category of ultra-processed
Finally, it is possible to replace certain nutrients and add food flavorings created by a professional like Metarom. This technique means that neither the taste of the product nor its classification is modified. You therefore improve the nutritional quality of your product, while retaining the flavors and texture which make up its signature feature.
Discover Acti'boost Sweet and Acti'boost Fat: your allies for improving your nutritional score
Nowadays, the food sector is constantly facing new challenges: finding the place of organic, strengthening the nutritional quality of products, meeting French and European standards aimed at avoiding diseases, etc. A true ally of manufacturers, Metarom has set itself the task of responding to some of the problems faced by companies.
For this, these experts have developed two ranges of natural flavoring solutions: Acti’Boost Sweet and Acti’Boost Fat, which improve the nutritional profile of a product.
Adding these flavors to a recipe makes it possible to reduce the fat or sugar content, but to retain this fatty or sweet perception, as well as the taste. In other words, the consumer has the impression that the product contains a large number of fatty nutrients which, in his/her view, give it its good taste, whereas this is only the result of the presence of the flavors.
Our company, present in over 80 countries around the world, supports companies in improving, for example, the Nutri-Score of their cereals , by using Acti’boost Sweet.
Using Metarom solutions has two major advantages:
- The products and foods offered are better for the consumers’ health
- Customer satisfaction is maintained thanks to an unchanged taste
Are you an industrialist in the food sector and would you like more information on all the flavors offered by Metarom? Do you want to improve the nutritional quality of your products before adding the Nutri-Score logo to your packaging? Contact our team of experts now. Specialized in sweet and natural flavors, our family business is able to offer more than a hundred flavors and design them to suit your needs.